Anyway here is all the pictures to let you judge for yourself. You judgemental ass wipes.
Labels: closet, gay, jake gyllenhall, out, straight
Labels: b-list, celebrity dating, dating, et online, ohnotheydidn't, rihanna, shia lebeouf
School is about to start for me in about ten hours, but I can't forget to post about my unforgettable experience at an Earl Greyhound show last night. My friend and I wanted to have one night before school starts to just have fun and enjoy ourselves.
And what's more enjoyable then going to a really bad neighborhood to a club filled with bottled blonds standing still to the music? Or better yet feeling as though you stepped back in time to join mosh pits of the 80s? Or being spit on by some fat ugly cow in The Points? Earl Greyhound is better!
Ok, I must tell you what led up to all this. First, the shuttle bus that takes kids out to this neighborhood wasn't working that early, and I'm sorta broke without a job, so I just took the bus (X17, I believe). Which really wasn't bad at all. It dropped me almost right in front of the club.
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Spitting Lunatics, i.e. The Points |
Labels: audition, band, drum sticks, earl greyhound, rock and roll hotel, the big sleep, the points
Remember when every movie starring a child had Dakota Fanning? Nowadays, she seemed to have disappeared into voice actor territory, I'm going to keep up a continual update of what she is doing until she's old enough not to be put on milk cartons as missing.
The only film she had out this year was Hounddog, which was only released at two different festivals. Smoking Gun, released an excerpt of the script which I am posting below.
The movie featuring Fanning's character being raped was very controversial, and was a move hinted to try and get Fanning an Oscar. A move likely not to succeed. Winning an Oscar is about one thing, knowing who chooses the Oscars, which is a group of older rich people who like movies about them or which they can relate to, such as period pieces about old, rich, and ugly farts. Sometimes they let things slip through if they are really good, or if a lot people have been getting flack for never receiving an Oscar, but generally these are the things that are going to win.
Labels: dakota fanning, hounddog, milk carton, oscar, rape, smoking gun, winning
Female First put a smear campaign up against the lovely Jessica Alba accusing her of having herpes. I know, I previously tried to link her with 50 Cent and I got all the information possible to do so, but accusing her of having an STD? That is something severely wrong on all levels. Something so wrong, it makes me think twice about gossip blogging. I know I always have very little to no evidence to make the statements I make, but atleast I have some sort of decency and respect for privacy.
I guess I see all gossip bloggers as people from my high school. I gossiped, no doubt, but I never did it with some sort of malice, I just did it to pass the time. But some people out there are so malicious. That they even make Kanye West upset. Recently in Complex magazine, he was quoted as saying, "Man, it really takes a strong person to read the blogs, It's just no-holds-barred. So if you're feeling good about yourself and you want to feel like s—, go to the blogs."
Is that the goal of gossip bloggers, to make people feel worse about their lives? I hope I never make that my own life.
Labels: bloggers, complex magazine, female first, gossip, herpes, jessica alba, kanye west, malicious
I'm so bored with every celebrity incident surrounding Mel B, AKA Scary Spice, AKA Drama Spice.
She got married to someone related to Harry Belafonte. Whatever his name is, I don't care. The guy she married apparently has had a problem with beating women in the past.
Which I still don't care about, at all.
I just am oversaturated with this baby mama drama, women beating drama, foxy bathing suit wearing woman.
Although I still wanted to showcase some great pictures of Harry Belafonte, which can be seen below.
Labels: drama spice, eddie murphy, harry belafonte, married, mel b, scary spice
Why have phones set us backwards and not forward?
My cellphone company completely irks me. Customer Service is a joke if it is going to be completely automated. Even the live people act like robots. If I'm speaking to you on the phone and I tell you I do not want to answer any questions, say, "Ok that is fine." Do not tell me, "I just have to, you are not a robot. YOU don't have to do anything. At first I was happy about switching, because Verizon does this thing where I can't upgrade my service without extending my contract. T-Mobile didn't do this to me. Although T-Mobile has alot of dropped calls. It was funny though I was on the my Verizon phone with Verizon and the phone signal was lost. LOL! I really would have liked the telephone operator to tell me, "Sorry about the dropped call," but she just ignored it like it didn't even happen, or as if it was normal. Then asked me why I am switching services! Isn't it obvious, the customer service is a joke and the calls drop constantly. Not that switching to AT&T seems much better, they sent me a faulty SIM card, then are making me go out to get a new one. I need a cellphone, so I have to go through the loops they send me, but I just don't want one anymore. If I could I would just be a cavewoman, lying in a cave in Jamaica, with a garden of cannabis. I don't see why that isn't considered the perfect life. On a side note, I just put myself on the Do Not Call registry. Everyone should sign up too.Labels: att, cellphone, customer service, do not call registry, jamaica, sim card, verizon
I'm so bored of posting posts about another celebrity's quest to be thin, or comfortableness with gaining enough weight to be a size 8. Today, it's about Gwen Stefani admitting to the Guardian about her weight gain after pregnancy.
"I try not to be but I'm super-neurotic about diet. I'm neurotic about trying not to be neurotic! I'm like every other girl. I have to try really hard my whole life to try to be fit. And I'm super-vain. And I want to wear cute clothes. You know, I was chubby when I was a little girl. And I have all those issues everyone else has. But I try not to. And I've learnt over the years that it's such a waste of time. And people like me whether I'm a little bit fatter or not."You know, I really care less at this point. Sometimes I wonder if these celebrities live in a different world entirely then me. Where I come from being a size 6 is small, being a size 8 to 12 is normal, and over that is just a little chubby, until you get to a size where you can only wear Miu Mius, then you are just Fat.
Labels: eating disorders, fat, gwen stefani, los angeles, new york city, supertherapist
Sometimes it seems like everyone in the world is secretly dealing with an eating disorder. Today's star to admit to once having an eating disorder is Thandie Newton who was recently featured in Easy Living.
Beautiful Thandie Newton who is a critically acclaimed actress but shies aways from any publicity at all, has opened up about her eating disorder, perhaps to help others deal with it, or perhaps because she has yet to really hit it big, literally and figuratively. Many of these frail lithe actresses out there continue to try to look for fashion standard of beauty rather then the general public. Although Newton is undeniably beauty, her body being so tiny is not unattractive but nothing spectacular, when will fashion and Hollywood starlets realize that healthy is attractive. A proper diet and exercise will help achieve the body you desire.
Jessica Alba once the epitome of an example of what a body can look like with proper diet and exercise, has been with her trainer, Ramona Braganza, since she was 17. Braganza reported to People, Alba's diet and exercise regimen:
"Butt: Since Alba has problematic hip joints, Braganza avoided jumping exercises and opted for either Pilates, walking lunges, light squats or 20 to 30 minutes on an elliptical machine every day. "She's got a beautiful bottom," notes Braganza.
Arms: Alba toned her biceps with various dumbbell curls using 8- to 10-lb. weights; three sets of at least 20 reps. For triceps, she did dips or weighted presses. She worked arms at least twice a week.
Shoulders and Back: Alba worked on these at least twice a week, doing military presses with 10-lb. dumbbells; three sets of 15 reps. She also used light dumbbells for lateral raises. "Her shoulders get a nice square shape," says Braganza.
Chest: Alba alternated dumbbell presses (15 to 20 lbs., three sets of 15 reps) with dumbbell flys (12 to 15 lbs., three sets of 12 reps), done on an incline bench or stability ball.
Abs: For her taut stomach, Alba combined crunches and mat Pilates work daily. "It's gentler but strengthening," says Braganza.
Diet: Alba ate four to five small meals a day, every three hours, usually starting with a shake or oatmeal and fruit. Dinner was salad with chicken or fish."
Labels: bulimia, diet, exercise, jessica alba, ramona braganza, thandie newton, thin, trainer
The NY Post reports that a source close to Lindsay Lohan has said that LiLo has went to Long Island to stay with her family.
While Entertainment Tonight has reported that Lindsay Lohan is at a drug rehabilitation facility in Utah called Cirque Lodge.
US Magazine has reported that another source has said she never even left California.
While I just reported that I stuck a drug riddled passed out LiLo pic all over a multi-colored map to help show kids the different states of the USA. There is Utah, California, and New York! The states are colored like Candy!!!
I recently splurged and bought a Maxiglide, although I already had a Chi iron. I wasn't particularly happy with the Chi iron, although I'm sure some of my "friends" are only "friends" with me because I let them borrow it.
Labels: best, chi iron, hair, maxiglide, new hairstyles, straighten
Hayden Panettiere shows off the perfect way to still look cool and fun in a conservative workplace.
Labels: cool, french braid, fun, hayden panettiere, new hairstyles, trendy, updo, work
Sometimes I get really offended at the world, when it seems no one understands the black plight. White people everywhere saying to black people that they are taking the victim mentality, and black people just covering up and not commenting back. Granted black people with computers are far out numbered in comparison to whites, although we certainly outnumber them in terms of world population.
Anyway, I just read this blog post, by Adam Slater, where he argues, first by saying he tries to fix a problem by ignoring it.
"In my mind, the easiest way to fix the issue is to well, ignore people’s race, creed, and sex."
Okay, I never known of a problem to disappear by ignoring it, that's how HIV/AIDS became such an epidemic, people ignored it in the eighties thinking it will just effect the gays.
Then he continues by having derogatory comments towards a blog post by Kym Platt, calling her blog "stupid" and "fucking retarded". It kept going on and on, villifying her for her own justifiable feelings.
Racism is about a lack of respect and a lack of culpability, which Slater has shown all three. Platt had every reason to feel the way she does, because she feels it. For Slater to call her stupid because she feels hurt by something is the definition of racist, because she is black she is unable to express her feelings when they concern whites?
The reason why Platt feels hurt is because this is clearly insensitive. Not too long ago my great granddad was hunted down by white men and a couple of generations past that, white men were killing my ancestors in Africa. Some people might think, that was soooo long ago, get over it by now. But they would feel entirely different, if someone made a game about a German soldier going to Israel and killing off "not zombies" Israelites, they would find that insensitive, because they sympathize with Israel. They sympathize in way that they are incapable to do for the Blacks, Palestinians, the Mexicans, et cetera.
Racism is most alive when people aren't able to look at each other's as equal, or unable to understand someone's plight as their own. I have South African friends in their early 20s who are still dealing with the effects of Apartheid, to think that this soon to be released game will not only re-enact this, but glorify the side of the oppressors, really just makes me wonder, if people are just so oblivious to other people's plight. That all they want to do is just play an expensive over priced game, on an expensive overpriced system, about killing people who have already suffered so much.
I think the real problem seems to be though is Capcom, obviously they show that their company lacks any Africans of authority. Although I do believe they should release the game, they already spent so much money developing it, I think the thing they should do is within the game put a pamphlet about South African apartheid, where consumers can donate money to stop corruption in Africa, as well as part (if not all) proceeds to the game should be put into African schools.
Read More:
Michael Clancy had another interesting article in the Village Voice about this.
Labels: adam slater, kym platt, not black, racism, resident evil 5, white
A report was recently released about Jon Voight's trouble with his daughter, actress Angelina Jolie. Voight has said that he has never met any of his four grandchildren, but he remains hopeful that broken bridges will be reconciled.
This report saddens me because whenever a child hates a parent, the child is hating half of themselves. Although Jolie mentions that Voight was never there for her as a child, if she denies him now, she is no better then him.
Rani Kulwant, mentions this in his article about "When Children Hate Parents":
"Children want their needs to be fulfilled. When they develop or grow
they have certain requirements. If parents are unable to fulfill their
requirements of love, money, understanding, and curtail their
freedom too much children may develop dissatisfaction. This
dissatisfaction may transform to dislike, and then hate."
Obviously Voight was unable to fulfill Jolie's need no matter how much she would cling to him. Eventually, it seems she just would give up hope, and look for fulfillment from another source. Whether that be Brad Pitt or her children, she will continue to be unhappy until she is able to reconcile with her parents. I wish her the best though, because all the good she is doing for others in poorer nations, should give her enough good karma to have a loving father and for her kids to have a loving grandfather.
Labels: angelina jolie, brad pitt, celebrity, children, good parents, jon voight