Thursday, July 19, 2007

Internet men's obsession over the Idea of Youth

Pedophiles scare me, but on the internet crawling across the forums, chat rooms, and websites are all sorts of people obsessed with "banging" the young stars. Until they turn 18, of course, then they declare them "monkey faces",

Or they decide they are sluts,

Or they decide their bodies aren't attractive enough.

I personally hope the fate is brighter for Hayden Patinerre.

Seeing her stand in her pajamas waiting for a ride reminds me of how innocent and young we all were, and absolutely disgusts me that there are countdowns to her 18th birthday. But for all those would-be predators or actual predators they are never satisfied by the birthday, they just want the idea of youth, fame, purity, and beauty but don't want the actualization of life in Los Angeles.


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