Thursday, September 13, 2007

Jail is just a place for criminals to talk not screw

I've never been particularly scared of prison, mostly because I'm a female, and female prisons are renowned for being pretty tame. But the male prisons always scared me, until I read this essay by Jim Goad, entitled "You meet the Nicest People in Prison".

The popular myth is that convicts will force you to either "fight or fuck." In reality, the most coercive thing another inmate did to me was to reach down from his bunk, wake me up, and politely ask me to roll over because I was snoring too loudly.

It sort of made me realize how silly I was to base my information on tv shows and movies, the thing that aired a popular television show, "Friends" set in NYC without airing any black people even walking on the street, until an NAACP issue arised. Anyway, nice to see that jail is a friendly place to stay.

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