Ohnotheydidn't was the first blog to publish unconfirmed image of the two together. While ETOnline, got a quote from Rihanna dismissing the rumors, "Me and Shia, we are just friends,you know, we barely even know each other."
Whatever the story is, I know everyone is waiting for the two stars to pop their celebrity cherry, and start dating in the big league of B-listers pool. It seems you will never be the "It Celebrity" if you don't play the celebrity dating game. It would be nice to see the two of them start.
Whatever the story is, I know everyone is waiting for the two stars to pop their celebrity cherry, and start dating in the big league of B-listers pool. It seems you will never be the "It Celebrity" if you don't play the celebrity dating game. It would be nice to see the two of them start.
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